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Here are some fun facts about chickens that most people don’t learn until they have their own backyard flock.

You might be surprised at some of these. How many did you know?

1. Chickens can fly.

Yep. They aren’t going to take off and head south for the winter, so don’t worry about that. But they will fly short distances!

2. Having eggs doesn’t require a rooster.

Your hens will lay eggs even if there isn’t a rooster around. But, if you want chicks, you’ll need a roo to fertilize the eggs.

3. Eggs come in many colors.

If you’ve ever bought eggs at the grocery, you know they come in white and brown. But did you know that chicken eggs can be green, blue, dark brown and even pink?

4. There are hundreds of chicken breeds.

That’s right! Part of the fun of having chickens is picking your breeds. Chickens come in many colors, shapes and sizes.

5. Chickens have exceptional vision.

Chickens have have a 300-degree field of vision, making their peripheral vision superior to humans. Also, they see many more shades of color than we do.

6. Chickens don’t have teeth.

They pretty much swallow their food whole. The gizzard, an internal organ, grinds up the food so it can be digested.

7. Chickens have just one “opening.”

The place where eggs come out is also where poop comes out — eww! — and is called the cloaca (or vent). But don’t worry: as the egg is laid, the “poop canal” is temporarily sealed off.

8. Eggs have a protective covering.

It’s called the cuticle or “bloom.” The bloom prevents bacteria from contaminating the egg. This means an unwashed egg will keep for several days without needing to be refrigerated.

9. The combs and wattles keep chickens cool.

The comb and wattles act as a radiator, releasing heat from the body. They are also for sex appeal. (hubba hubba!)

10. Chickens will steal your heart.

Chickens are smart, have differing personalities and often hilarious behaviors. You will fall in love with them!
