The Simple Garden Workshop
Next Date: TBA
(Rain date: TBA)
Our Growing Method
Conservation Agriculture
Conservation agriculture is the process of growing produce without a deep overturning of the soil. It is commonly referred to as “no till” agriculture. No plowing, no deep furrows.
Natural & Inexpensive
Nothing artificial. No expensive tools, no chemicals.
- No herbicides
- No pesticides
- No commercial fertilizers
- No heavy tools
God’s Way
God designed nature so that his creation flourishes when there is minimal soil disturbance and where there is ample ground covering. And God’s way always yields a bountiful harvest!
The Problem
The problem isn’t a lack of available information on gardening. The problem is that the amount of information is overwhelming.
What if there was a way to make gardening simple and fruitful? With just a few hand tools? Without pesticides, herbicides or chemical fertilizers?
The Simple Garden. Growing God’s way.
What You’ll Learn
Orderly Design
Excellence begins with order. Construct and maintain your garden in a way that promotes healthy plants and is appealing to the eye.
No-Till Planting
Grow produce without heavy tools and without applying chemicals. Only compost and a ground cover are required for an abundant harvest.
Soil Stewardship
Be a good steward of your soil by preserving its structure. Good bacteria and other microbes as well as natural capillary channels are essential to soil health.
Simple Compost
Improve the structure and health of you soil through compost that you make yourself from things found on your own property or easily acquired.
Crop Rotation
Maintain soil health and decrease the incidence of plant disease by moving a crop to a new bed each growing season.
Joy In Growing
Harvesting food from your own back yard brings joy to the soul. That joy is multiplied when you share your bounty with others.
Workshop Details
TBA. (Rain date: TBA)
9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
8637 Angola Rd.
Holland, OH 43528
What To Expect
You will be working. You will get dirty and a little wet. Your shoes may get muddy. Dress appropriately!
Age Requirement
Workshop participants must be at least 9 years of age.
Lunch is provided. Let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.
Why just $7.50?
The value of the information and skills you will learn far exceed the registration cost. The price is low because we want the workshop to be accessible for as many people as possible. Your registration fee covers the cost of lunch and incidentals.